Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website

Fractions & Mixed Numbers Games
Fraction (Resources)
Visual Fractions
Identify fractions, rename fractions, compare fractions, add and subtract fractions, multiply and divide fractions, play fraction games and investigate fractions.
General Fraction Lessons
Online lessons on fractions.
In depth notes, examples, and practice with fractions. Start with basic definitions and use the side bar to navigate your way through reducing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, multiplying and dividing fractions and mixed numbers.
Notes and examples presented in a colorful and easy to understand format. Really cool site!
This site is self-guided and presents like a power point that your teacher would go over with you in class.
Fraction (Games)
Visualizing Fractions
Show the given fraction on the shape.
See what the highest level that you can get to is by matching correctly.
Fractions on the Number Line
Help Grandpa find Grandma by guessing where she is behind the hedge.
EasyHelp Grandma find Grandpa by guessing where she is behind the hedge.
It is a little harder to help Grandma find Grandpa this time, you have to be very precise and you have to be able to simplify fractions.
Find the greatest common factor.
Play Who Wants to be a Millionaire by answering questions about factors.
Find the least common multiple.
Find the least common multiple or greatest common factor of the given number. When you get 7 correct you get to fight the ghosts.Factors and Multiples JeopardyIdentify factors and multiples correctly and you could win jeopardy!
Prime Factorization, LCM, and GCF
Create factor trees for two numbers. Then, calculate the greatest common factor and least common multiple.
Simplifying Fractions
Play soccer and simplify fractions.
Play baseball and simplify fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Add the correct ingredients to each fraction of the pizza to make a sale. Be careful, wrong ingredients will cost you!
Create equivalent fractions to match the given fraction.
Practice matching equivalent representations of fractions and picture representations of fractions.
Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Choose between finding the largest fraction to win the game or placing the fractions in the correct order.
Compare the fractions to get the highest score before time runs out.
Comparing with Like-Denominators
Compare fractions <,>,= that have the same denominators.
Compare with Un-Like Denominators
Compare fractions <,>,= that do not have the same denominators.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Practice your passing and your fraction addition.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions Board Game
See who will win the game by adding and subtracting the fractions correctly and having a little bit of luck!
Add and Subtract Fractions with Noah
Noah will help you and even give you second chances.
Adding and Subtracting with Common Denominators
Add and Subtract Fractions on the Number Line
Add and Subtract fractions with like denominators.
Add and Subtract Fractions with Fraction Circles
Add and Subtract fractions with like denominators.
Adding fractions with like terms.
Adding and Subtracting with Uncommon Denominators
Adding with Unlike Denominators
Practice adding fractions with different denominators
Subtracting with Unlike Denominators
Practice subtracting fractions with different denominators
Word Problems: Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators
Practice your problem solving skills with these fraction word problems!
Adding and Subtracting with Mixed Numbers
Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
Practice adding mixed numbers with different denominators.
Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
Practice adding mixed numbers with different denominators.
Word Problems: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
Practice your problem solving skills with these mixed number word problems!
Study Jams
Step by Step Instructions and a 7 questions Quiz -
Quia Quiz
Test your knowledge and compete with a partner!
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Clara Fraction's Ice Cream Shop
Convert the clients order to mixed fractions to give them the correct amount of each flavor.
Mixed and Improper Pac Man
Find the improper fraction that matched the mixed number shown at the bottom of the screen. -
Quia Improper Fractions Jeopardy
Some of these may have to be simplified, for the you get them correct! -
Fact Monster Pizzas
Slice the pizzas in the correct way, and then turn the leftovers into improper fractions, then mixed numbers. -
XP Monster
A little bit more challenging numbers with converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. -
IXL Math
This one only does mixed to improper fractions first, and then improper to mixed.
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Practice multiplying fractions, get the answer right and see if you can get the ball past the keeper!
Multiplying Fractions Millionaire
See if you are the next millionaire by correctly answering the questions correctly.
Practice dividing fractions, get the answer right and see if you can get the ball past the keeper!
Practice dividing fractions, get the answer right and see if you can make the shot.
Dividing Mixed Numbers
AAA Math Dividing Mixed Numbers
Practice dividing fractions and check your work as you go so you know if you are correct or not!
Mixed Review Games that Have it All
Fractions and Mixed Number Games
Eleven different games from an easy fraction introduction to multiplying and dividing fractions.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Fractions Jeopardy
See if you can be the next Jeopardy Champion!
Try out the five different fractions levels!
Practice your fraction skills using this interactive activity.