Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website

All About All Kinds of Verbs
Action Verbs
Action Verb Shoot-Out
Identify the action verb by shooting the incoming spaceships.
Linking Verbs
Linking Verb Practice
Click on the linking verb in the sentence.
Helping Verbs
Helping Verb Practice
Identify the helping verb in each sentence.
Combo Verb Games & Practice
Linking, Action, or Not a Verb Magic Carpet
Informational text notes that explain linking verbs. -
Identify the Verb as Action or Linking
In each sentence identify the underlined verb as either an action or linking verb.
Verb Tenses
Past, Present, and Future Tense Jeopardy
See how many points you can earn by correctly identifying the appropriate verb tense. -
Turtle Diary Catch the Correct Tense
Click on the correct verb tense. -
Treasure Hunt
Re-Write the sentences correctly to have a shot at finding the buried treasure.
Shifts in Verb Tense
IXL Verb Tense
Inappropriate shifts in verb tense. -
More practice recognizing inappropriate shifts in verb tenses.
Perfect Verb Tense
IXL Perfect Verb Tense
Recognizing perfect past, present, and future verb tense.