Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website

Cohort B
DEC 7 - 11

Refresh the class website & Google Classroom every time you get on. Also, use the classwork tab in Google Classroom, your planner, and the class website to keep up with what you have to do and what you have completed. Be sure to complete assignments in order according to the class website and remember Google Classroom may not be in your order.
Keep up the good work!

ELA (Complete Assignments in Order)

Spelling City Activities & Test: Complete the Spelling City activities in the order they are listed and then take the Spelling City Test.
iReady Reading: This is NOT optional. Through Clever, log into iReady. Click on Reading and then click start. You should do at least 30 minutes of iReady.
Independent Reading/AR: This is NOT optional. You should spend at least 30 minutes reading a book of your choice. You may read paper copies of books or you can find books on Epic. When you complete your book, you need to take an AR test on the book. AR tests are taken by logging onto Clever and then go to Renaissance. Find your book and take the test.
Read Ch. 1 & 2 Blood on the River: Read chapters 1 & 2 in Blood on the River. If you are using Audible make sure you are following along in the book while you listen to Audible.
Just Write Lessons 5: In the Just Write Book you will complete Lesson 5 on pages 12-13. Be sure to read ALL instructions, passages, text boxes, and questions carefully.
Ch. 1 & 2 Blood on the River Questions: You may refer back to the chapters in the book to help you answer the questions. Use the links provided on the class website to answer questions that require a link.
Read Ch. 3-5 Blood on the River: Read chapters 3-5 in Blood on the River. If you are using Audible make sure you are following along in the book while you listen to Audible.
Ch. 3-5 Blood on the River Questions: You may refer back to the chapters in the book to help you answer the questions. Use the links provided on the class website to answer questions that require a link.
Just Write Lessons 6: In the Just Write Book you will complete Lesson 6 on pages 14-15. Be sure to read ALL instructions, passages, text boxes, and questions carefully.
Informative Writing Unit Lesson 6: In the packet that accompanies the Just Write book, complete Lesson 6 Introduction Paragraph: Writing a Lead.
MATH (Complete Assignments in Order)

Zeros in the Quotient Practice 4-5: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK and label the parts of the division problem. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. Please use a separate sheet of notebook paper to show your work and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Interpreting Remainders Lesson: Interpreting remainders with 1-digit divisors introductory lesson.
My Math pgs. 229 & 230: These pages are in your My Math Volume 1 text books. You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. If you do not have room to show your work on the math pages, please use a separate sheet of notebook paper to show your work and answer the questions in your book.
Understanding Division (Day 1): You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK and label the parts of the division problem. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. Please use a separate sheet of notebook paper to show your work and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Understanding Division (Day 2): You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK and label the parts of the division problem. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. Please use a separate sheet of notebook paper to show your work and answer the questions on the worksheet.
2-Digit Divisors Lesson: Divide whole numbers with 2-digit divisors introductory lesson.
My Math pgs. 265 & 266: These pages are in your My Math Volume 1 text books. You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. If you do not have room to show your work on the math pages, please use a separate sheet of notebook paper to show your work and answer the questions in your book.
SCIENCE (Complete Assignments in Order)

What if there were no sharks?: This assignment is on Google Classroom. Be sure to watch each video and then answer each question with a complete sentence in the table at the end.
Ecosystems Poster (Food Web Project): Using the poster board select an ecosystem and create a food web based on the rubric. On the back of your project you will glue the rubric. Be sure to color your drawings and clearly label the required parts. Also, be sure to show the arrows with the correct flow of energy.
Fabulous Food Chains: This assignment is on Google Classroom. Watch the video for Food Chains, then play the Kahoot and answer the questions on Quizzes.
Fabulous Food Webs: This assignment is on Google Classroom. Watch the video for Food Webs, then play the Kahoot and answer the questions on Quizzes.
Changes in Ecosystems: Color and complete the forest version of changes in the ecosystem.
HISTORY (Complete Assignments in Order)

Studies Weekly Week 10 - Early English Colonies: Log in to Studies Weekly using your Clever account. Read or listen to all of the articles. Answer the questions at the end of each article. You do NOT have to do the Think & Review or the Let’s write.
Articles Include:
The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Jamestown, An Unsettling Settlement
Plymouth Colony, A Thankful Place
Jamestown from Peninsula to Island
Journey to Jamestown -
Jamestown Journal & Video: This journal will be filled out together in class and we will watch the video together.
Studies Weekly Week 10 Test - Early English Colonies: Log in to Studies Weekly using your Clever account. Read and answer each question carefully. I recommend having the paper version out and finding and highlighting the answer on that before marking any answers on the quiz. It could also work to have two tabs open as you take the test. One tab will be the articles for you to refer to, the other with the test. Make sure you read each question carefully!
Plymouth Journal & Video: This journal will be filled out together in class and we will watch the video together.