Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website

Cohort B
November 2-6

Refresh the class website & Google Classroom every time you get on. Also, use the classwork tab in Google Classroom, your planner, and the class website to keep up with what you have to do and what you have completed. Be sure to complete assignments in order according to the class website and remember Google Classroom may not be in your order.
Keep up the good work!

ELA (Complete Assignments in Order)

- Spelling City Activities: Complete the Spelling City activities in the order they are listed.
- Spelling City Test: Complete the Spelling Test on Spelling City.
- iReady Reading: This is NOT optional. Through Clever, log into iReady. Click on Reading and then click start.
- Independent Reading/AR: This is NOT optional. You should spend at least 30 minutes reading a book of your choice. You may read paper copies of books or you can find books on Epic. When you complete your book, you need to take an AR test on the book. AR tests are taken by logging onto Clever and then go to Renaissance. Find your book and take the test.
Read Shackleton Chapter 1: Be sure to read each chapter carefully. You will have to answer questions and write a summary of each chapter.
Shackleton Chapter 1 Questions: Answer each question. If you need to look back in the chapter to find the correct answer you can do so. If you do not understand the grammar section of the assignment please ask your teacher or use the link to find out more information about the grammar section.
Shackleton Chapter 1 Index Card Summary Paragraph: On the blank side of the index card fold the card in half. On the front of the folded blank side draw a picture of what comes to your mind from this chapter. On the side of the index card with lines write a single paragraph with a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting detail sentences, and a concluding sentence to summarize the events that happened in this chapter. If you are distance learning, you need to upload (2) pictures like the examples I have shown. If you are in Cohorts A or B you will need to bring your index card summaries to school.
Read Shackleton Chapter 2: Be sure to read each chapter carefully. You will have to answer questions and write a summary of each chapter.
Shackleton Chapter 2 Questions: Answer each question. If you need to look back in the chapter to find the correct answer you can do so. If you do not understand the grammar section of the assignment please ask your teacher or use the link to find out more information about the grammar section.
Shackleton Chapter 2 Index Card Summary Paragraph: On the blank side of the index card fold the card in half. On the front of the folded blank side draw a picture of what comes to your mind from this chapter. On the side of the index card with lines write a single paragraph with a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting detail sentences, and a concluding sentence to summarize the events that happened in this chapter. If you are distance learning, you need to upload (2) pictures like the examples I have shown. If you are in Cohorts A or B you will need to bring your index card summaries to school.
Read Shackleton Chapter 3: Be sure to read each chapter carefully. You will have to answer questions and write a summary of each chapter.
Shackleton Chapter 3 Questions: Answer each question. If you need to look back in the chapter to find the correct answer you can do so. If you do not understand the grammar section of the assignment please ask your teacher or use the link to find out more information about the grammar section.
Shackleton Chapter 3 Index Card Summary Paragraph: On the blank side of the index card fold the card in half. On the front of the folded blank side draw a picture of what comes to your mind from this chapter. On the side of the index card with lines write a single paragraph with a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting detail sentences, and a concluding sentence to summarize the events that happened in this chapter. If you are distance learning, you need to upload (2) pictures like the examples I have shown. If you are in Cohorts A or B you will need to bring your index card summaries to school.
Read Shackleton Chapter 4: Be sure to read each chapter carefully. You will have to answer questions and write a summary of each chapter.
Shackleton Chapter 4 Questions: Answer each question. If you need to look back in the chapter to find the correct answer you can do so. If you do not understand the grammar section of the assignment please ask your teacher or use the link to find out more information about the grammar section.
Shackleton Chapter 4 Index Card Summary Paragraph: On the blank side of the index card fold the card in half. On the front of the folded blank side draw a picture of what comes to your mind from this chapter. On the side of the index card with lines write a single paragraph with a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting detail sentences, and a concluding sentence to summarize the events that happened in this chapter. If you are distance learning, you need to upload (2) pictures like the examples I have shown. If you are in Cohorts A or B you will need to bring your index card summaries to school.
MATH (Complete Assignments in Order)

Multiplication with 1-Digit Multipliers Day 2: You MUST show your work on this assignment. Be sure to circle your answers. Cohort students will do this on paper. If you are a distance learner, answer the questions on Kami and show your work on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to number each question so I can easily check your work.
Multiplication with 2-Digit Multipliers Lesson: Introductory lesson into multiplication with 2-Digit multipliers. This lesson will be recorded on Monday with Cohort A and will be available for distance learners on Tuesday. Cohort B will get this lesson in class on Tuesday.
Multiplication with 2-Digit Multipliers Day 1: You MUST show your work on this assignment. Be sure to circle your answers. Cohort students will do this on paper. If you are a distance learner, answer the questions on Kami and show your work on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to number each question so I can easily check your work.
Multiplication with 2-Digit Multipliers Day 2: You MUST show your work on this assignment. Be sure to circle your answers. Cohort students will do this on paper. If you are a distance learner, answer the questions on Kami and show your work on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to number each question so I can easily check your work.
Multiplication with 2-Digit Multipliers Day 3: You MUST show your work on this assignment. Be sure to circle your answers. Cohort students will do this on paper. If you are a distance learner, answer the questions on Kami and show your work on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to number each question so I can easily check your work.
Multiplication with Whole Numbers & Decimals Lesson: Introductory lesson into multiplying a decimal by a whole number. This lesson will be recorded on Thursday with Cohort A and will be available for distance learners on Friday. Cohort B will get this lesson in class on Friday.
Multiplication with Whole Numbers & Decimals Day 1: You MUST show your work on this assignment. Be sure to circle your answers. Cohort students will do this on paper. If you are a distance learner, answer the questions on Kami and show your work on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to number each question so I can easily check your work.
SCIENCE (Complete Assignments in Order)

BrainPop Ecosystem Video/Quiz: Log onto Clever, and select BrainPop. Once on BrainPop complete the assigned video and quiz.
Ecosystems Lesson: This is an introductory lesson about ecosystems. This lesson will be given in-person for Cohort A on Monday, and Cohort B on Tuesday. It will be available for Distance Learners to watch on Tuesday.
Ecosystem Journal: Color and draw corresponding pictures like in the picture example. Cut out the pieces and glue each part into your journal.
BrainPop Food Chains Video/Quiz: Log onto Clever, and select BrainPop. Once on BrainPop complete the assigned video and quiz.
Food Chain Lesson: This is an introductory lesson about Food Chains & Food Webs. This lesson will be given in-person for Cohort A on Thursday, and Cohort B on Friday. It will be available for Distance Learners to watch on Friday.
HISTORY (Complete Assignments in Order)

Studies Weekly Week 7 - Early Exploration: Log in to Studies Weekly using your Clever account. Read or listen to all of the articles. Answer the questions at the end of each article. You do NOT have to do the Think & Review or the Let’s write.
Articles Include:
Cape Bojador: The Point of No Return
Global Positioning System
Early Explorers
Vasco da Gama (1460s–1524): No Simple Feat
Latitude and Longitude
More Early Spanish Explorers
Explorers Project: Students will begin working on their explorers project. These projects will be completed in class for Cohort students and at home for Distance Learners. Distance learners will get a tutorial in the Zoom on Monday at 2:15 on how to complete these projects.
Studies Weekly Week 7 Test - Early Exploration: Log in to Studies Weekly using your Clever account. Read and answer each question carefully. I recommend having the paper version out and finding and highlighting the answer on that before marking any answers on the quiz. It could also work to have two tabs open as you take the test. One tab will be the articles for you to refer to, the other with the test. Make sure you read each question carefully!