Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website

April 26-30

Refresh the class website & Google Classroom every time you get on. Also, use the classwork tab in Google Classroom, your planner, and the class website to keep up with what you have to do and what you have completed. Be sure to complete assignments in order according to the class website and remember Google Classroom may not be in your order.
Keep up the good work!

ELA (Complete Assignments in Order)

Writing the Falling Actions: Using the provided worksheet, write a rough draft of your story’s falling actions.
Read Rush Revere Chapter 10: Read Chapter 10 in Rush Revere and the First Patriots. If you are using Audible you need to also be sure that you are following along in your Rush Revere book. This is a long chapter, so break it up and do part on Monday and the other part on Tuesday.
Writing the Conclusion/Resolution: Using the provided worksheet, write a rough draft of your story’s Conclusion/Resolution.
ELA Skills Review: Using Kami, complete the ELA review about Adjectives and Writing Better Sentences.
Narrative Rough Draft: Using the pre-writing papers that you completed type your rough draft on the assignment in Google Classroom. The pre-writing papers you should be using include your Graphic Organizer, Exposition, Rising Actions, Climax, Falling Actions, and the Conclusion.
Rush Revere Chapter 10 Questions & Vocabulary: Using the book, answer the questions for Rush Revere Chapter 10 questions. Be sure to define the vocabulary words.
Rush Revere AR Test: Through Clever, login to Renaissance Place and take the AR test for Rush Revere and the First Patriots.
MATH (Complete Assignments in Order)

Customary Length Lesson: This is a new lesson about basic converting customary units of length. The video will be recorded in class on Monday and will be available for you by 11:30.
My Math pgs. 809-810: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper. Using Kami, be sure to answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.
Practice 13-1: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper. Using Kami, be sure to answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.
MATH Skills Review: Using Kami, complete the LOTSA math review. You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper. Using Kami, be sure to answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.
Customary Weight Lesson: This is a new lesson about basic converting customary units of weight. The video will be recorded in class on Thursday and will be available for you by 11:30.
My Math pgs. 827-828: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper. Using Kami, be sure to answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.
Practice 13-3: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper. Using Kami, be sure to answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.
SCIENCE (Complete Assignments in Order)

Discovery Education (Engage Tab): Through Clever, log onto Discovery Education. You will have an assignment that shows-up right under where it says “Welcome” about Patterns in the Night Sky. It will say "upcoming assignments." You will start with the Engage Tab and use the information on this page to define words. Answer the questions at the end of each section. Be sure to read the information, watch the videos, and answer any questions.
BrainPop: Constellations: Through Clever, log onto BrainPop. Watch the assigned video titled, “Newton’s Laws of Gravity.” Then, complete the quiz based on what you learned about in the video.
Discovery Education (Explore Tabs): Through Clever, log onto Discovery Education. You will click on the same assignment that you clicked on earlier this week and simply go to the Explore tab. You will start with the first Explore Tab and then go to the Explore more Resources tab. Use the information on this page to define words. Answer the questions at the end of each section. Be sure to read the information, watch the videos, and answer any questions.
HISTORY (Complete Assignments in Order)

Revolutionary War Powerpoint: This powerpoint provides key events in the American Revolution. Click on the powerpoint and read slides.
Liberty Kids/Midnight Ride: Click on the link and watch the Liberty Kids Video about Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride.
BrainPop: American Revolution: Through Clever, log onto BrainPop. Watch the assigned video titled, “American Revolution.” Then, complete the quiz based on what you learned about in the video.
Tory vs. Patriot Quiz: Using Kami, complete the assigned questions as described in the powerpoint. Liberty Kids/Shot Heard Around the World: Click on the link and watch the Liberty Kids Video about The Shot Heard Around the World.