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Cohort A

January 19-22





Refresh the class website & Google Classroom every time you get on. Also, use the classwork tab in Google Classroom, your planner, and the class website to keep up with what you have to do and what you have completed. Be sure to complete assignments in order according to the class website and remember Google Classroom may not be in your order. 

Keep up the good work!


ELA (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. Read BOTR Ch. 12-13: Read chapters 12-13 in Blood on the River. If you are using Audible you need to also be sure that you are following along in your Blood on the River book.

  2. BOTR Ch. 12-13 Typed Summary: Go to Google Classroom/ Burkhart ELA. Click on the document titled BOTR Summaries. Start typing your summary for chapters 12-16 by typing the summaries for chapters 12 & 13. Remember your summary should highlight the main events and main characters in chapters 12-13. Be sure that you capitalize proper nouns. Sentences should start with capital letters and end with a punctuation mark.

  3. Read BOTR Ch. 14-16: Read chapters 14, 15, and 16 in Blood on the River. If you are using Audible you need to also be sure that you are following along in your Blood on the River book.

  4. BOTR Ch. 14-16 Typed Summary: Go to Google Classroom/ Burkhart ELA. Click on the document titled BOTR Summaries. Finish typing your summary for chapters 12-16 by typing the summaries for chapters 14, 15, & 16. Remember your summary should highlight the main events and main characters in chapters 14-16. Be sure that you capitalize proper nouns. Sentences should start with capital letters and end with a punctuation mark. 

  5. Unfinished Work:
    *Go to Google Classroom/ Burkhart ELA. Click on the document titled BOTR Summaries. You should have ALL typed summaries done for chapters 1-16.
    *You should have pictures for chapters 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-11 for a total of 4 illustrations. 
    *Go to Google Classroom/ Burkhart ELA. Click on the document titled You Choose Informative Essay, be sure that your first rough draft has been typed using Lessons 6, 7, and 8 in the Informative Writing Unit.

  6. iReady Reading: Through Clever, log into iReady. Click on Reading and then click start. You should do 45 minutes of iReady. I will be checking. If you have too much unfinished work, it is ok if you do not get to iReady Reading this week.

  7. BOTR Ch. 12-16 Questions: Using the book and the links on the class website answer the questions for Blood on the River               chapters 12-16 questions. 

  8. BOTR Ch. 12-16 Illustration: Draw a picture that illustrates what came to your mind when reading chapters 12-16.

MATH (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. Decimals Operations Boom Cards: Go to Boom Cards, select Sign in with Google (be sure you are using your Sequoia Union Google. Complete the assigned deck called Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Decimals. You must show your work. Be sure to number each problem. You will turn your work in when you are back at school. Distance learners will attach a picture of their work to the assignment on Google Classroom.

  2. All Operations Review: Cohort B will review in class, Distance Learners and Cohort A will review via Zoom on Wednesday. This is a review of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with whole numbers and decimals. 

  3. All Operations Study Guide: You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper and answer the question on the worksheet. If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded.

  4. Basic Fractions Lesson: This lesson will be in-person for Cohort A on Thursday and Cohort B on Friday. It will be available for Distance Learners on Friday via Video. This is an introductory lesson into basic fractions.

  5. Basic Fractions WS:  This independent practice does not require additional work on notebook paper, simply answer the questions.

  6. All Operations Test: Go to Google Classroom/Burkhart Math and take the test on the Google Form. You MUST SHOW YOUR WORK on a piece of notebook paper and answer the question on the Google Form. Be sure to number your problems.  If you do not show your work, your assignment will not be graded. This is a test, so you should not get help from other people in your house or use a calculator. You will need to turn in this paper (post a picutre) or it will not be graded. This is a test, so you should not get help from other people in your house or use a calculator. 

SCIENCE (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. BrainPop:  Through Clever, log onto BrainPop. Watch the assigned video titled, “Water.” Then, complete the quiz based on what you learned about in the video.

  2. McGraw Hill/Inspire:  Through Clever, log onto McGraw Hill/Inspire Science and complete the assigned lesson titled, “Encounter the Phenomenon: Water Distribution.” Be sure to read the passages and answer all of the questions.

  3. McGraw Hill/Inspire:  Through Clever, log onto McGraw Hill/Inspire Science and complete the assigned lesson titled, “Read About: Water on Earth.” Be sure to read the passages and answer all of the questions.

  4. Hydrosphere Overview:  Introductory Lesson about the Earth's Water & Globe Toss activity.

  5. Water Demonstration:  This is a demonstration to give perspective to the distribution of water on Earth.

  6. BrainPop:  Through Clever, log onto BrainPop. Watch the assigned video titled, “Water Cycle.” Then, complete the quiz based on what you learned about in the video.

HISTORY (Complete Assignments in Order)


  1. MobyMax 13 Colonies: Through Clever, log onto Moby Max. In your assignments you should find a lesson titled, "13 Colonies." There are 46 slides. This is a lot of reading and good information. Please read the slides carefully and answer the questions carefully. You have two days to do this assignment, do not rush or guess.

  2. Types of Colonies Lesson:  This is an overview lesson about the different types of colonies. 

  3. Types of Colonies Notes Page:  You will fill in the correct information based on the lesson and then color the notes page.

  4. Extra Time:  Use this time to complete any unfinished work in any subject from this week.

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